Khóa đào tạo “Quản lý chuỗi cung ứng đường thủy” do tổ chức NUFFIC Hà Lan đài thọ

Training programme called ‘Maritime Supply Chain Management’ that is funded by the Dutch Government agency NUFFIC. The deadline for registration is March 30th 2018.

NUFFIC is a Dutch organization that promotes access to higher education (

Attached you can find more information about the program Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) – Short Course - Maritime Supply Chain Management (24 Sep 2018).

If you are interested, we would like to ask you to:

1. Think about who in your organization could/would like to participate in this 3 months programme that will be carried out in the Netherlands.

2. Examine in advance the steps needed to complete the full registration. Attached you can find some screenshots of the official registration page (see as an example the pictures "Form 1" to "Form 4").

3. For the official registration, please follow the next steps:

a. Go to the following webpage:

b. Under "Select your program here", choose "Netherlands fellowship programs - Short Courses"; click on the 3 points mentioned below and click on "Ok".

c. Under "Course", choose "Maritime Supply Chain Management (24 Sep 2018)". "Reference number" can be left empty.

d. Fill in all the participant's information under "Nominating employer", "Personal details" and "Motivation"

e. Under "Documents", upload the following documents:

- Copy of the participant's passport

- Employer statement (see attached document “kop-prescribed-format-employers-statement.docx”)